Today’s Tarot Messages • Magickal Magpie

🤍🤍🤍Our messages today look like they revolve around cultivating energy. we have lots of wands, which I just heard as arrows, 4 majors, a Queen, and overturned cups. There are several places of stop-and-go energy. We have the Sun and the Moon showing up together, which means strongly things that were hidden come to light. Your intuition is bangin. And if something has illuminated for you already, that’s not all.. there’s more.

We have the Chariot reversed. I just heard “Path to nowhere.” This can be devastating, or at least disappointing, though I feel like this happened in the past, not recently. The energy now is Queen of Wands energy. She knows what to do, how to manifest, and how to direct energy. It looks like she’s specifically directing energy to these overturned cups.


Sometimes when we see the 2 of Cups reversed, it’s upsetting, sad, “oh no!” but today I’m feeling like this is a goal. All the arrows/wands. This is about energy and where we direct our energy. These overturned cups are reminding the Queen what her goals are and what they are not. She’s staying consciously focused. She’s the one who overturned these cups. She said, “No more.”


There was a time of cognitive dissonance and shock, getting back into the body and getting familiar with life again. Then caving for a time. Being in the body, but not moving, causing issues with flow, but NOW the Queen is back.


We have victory with the 6 of wands. Placing Self back on the pedestal where she belongs. Rebuilding victory from when it was reversed with the Chariot in the past. This feels almost like when there’s an injury and you heal and rehabilitate. More comes to light from a wound that you’re rehabbing.


There’s a threshold that needs to be crossed through for a rite of passage, and it’s almost here. A personal Truth will shine on you, a new passionate understanding, way of life, and path direction. You drop anything that’s been holding you back from that past wrong turn and walk right into the Sun. You’ve come out of the cave and into the Light. I love this reading today. #youaretheoracle #taroteveryday #magickalmagpie 🤍🤍🤍
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