As the Indigo Travels Through Life

AthenaSome Indigos fall right into their bliss taking on challenges as warriors

But for some it’s a struggle to become aligned. It can be overwhelming and unnerving when a faulty support system is in place or life seems to create stress that feels unmanageable.

Just recently, my boyfriend, who is a photographer, shared with me some pictures of three kids. Their father had commissioned some individual as well as family portraits of his daughter, who was ascending into her senior year of high school, a son who was in college and another son who was just graduating college.

All three were transitioning into a new phase of their lives. Seeing these pictures made such an impression on me—their laughter, their innocence, and then in more serious pictures, their depth. Their eyes told stories of all-knowing wisdom, yet they were just getting ready, in many ways, to venture off for the first time on their own. Their confidence and curiosity blended with questions about how the world really works, bellowed from their black and white images.

Thinking back to that time in my own life, I realize that I feel freer now, as an adult, than I did when I was first going to college after high school

It took a little experience for me to have confidence in my own voice and find my way through the currents. Some are blessed to see their entire future ahead of them. It took me, however, some time to get my wings.

In “The Book of Secrets” by Deepak Chopra, he uses the example of butterfly metamorphosis to illustrate how everything is One. He explains the process of how the caterpillar builds his cocoon and then morphs into a butterfly, “What goes on invisibly inside the chrysalis remains deeply mysterious.”

We know that the caterpillar actually morphs into a liquid consistency before reconstituting into the body of a butterfly. What Deepak refers to as “One reality” comes from his understanding that there is Universal intelligence at work. Cells, hormones and chemicals know what to do to reconstitute into a butterfly from a caterpillar without being told when, what or how to do so. It is this natural evolution that happens to all of us that we cannot control. Our hearts beat, the caterpillar morphs, the day turns into night, all connected through time and space.

In this harmony of physical evolution and Oneness, we, as humans, experience an emotional and spiritual metamorphosis as well

From child seeker to adult wisdom, we evolve. Indigo children come through this life to shatter illusion and to build truth. As an Indigo adult, their journey continues on another level. Learning and experiencing the world as a child, then growing up and believing in the power to move mountains through courage—this is an Indigo finding their way to divine purpose and Joy.

I can now offer advice that would have helped me on my journey starting out at the age where I thought I knew everything, and in fact, had no idea what was in store. My intent is to assist parents of Indigos and Indigos themselves who are moving to the next chapter in their lives, finding their place in society.

Stay tuned for As the Indigo Travels Through Life — 6 Things I Wish I had known!




What Are You Searching For? The Practice of One Love

I was very inspired by this quote today by Brahma Kumaris:

You search for something you know exists because you have experienced it in the past. All your searching ends when you find yourself. You do not need to go anywhere, or to look beyond yourself. Just become what you were before.

You fill your life with peace when you discover you only have to be yourself, to be what you have always been—a peaceful being.

Reminding myself that I already have everything I need to be successful, to be healed, to feel love and to give love—is a daily practice of mine. I remind myself that we are not separate and that in our illusion of being separate, we experience angst.

Grounding and remembering Oneness each day makes me feel whole.

What are you searching for and what makes you feel whole?

White Lotus

“Is (deleted for anonymity), who was my friend, lover, and husband someone I knew in the past lives that I am dealing with as karma debt in this lifetime that has finally come to an end in this lifetime parting ways as we ended our 25 years relationship?”

Dear White Lotus,
Thank you for your question. So very synchronistically, I have had many questions lately that have to do with past lives and karmic debt being paid. I feel that this year for so many of us has to do with raising our vibrations. Lovingly and peacefully letting go of karmic ties seems to be a theme this month.

Here is what I found in your three-card reading:

It seems as though your relationship started out feeling very romantically centered and connected. You were both able to relate and manifest together in a way that felt equal to you and powerfully positive. However, there was an imbalance in power and it affected him negatively. It seems as though your significant other took actions to balance this between you, but instead of creating an equal exchange between you both, he weighted things again in an unbalanced way, this time in his favor. He took your power and energetically took over. This seemed to take you by surprise and left you feeling a bit off kilter and not yourself.

Presently, it is so very important to try with all your might to live in joy. This will bring you back to yourself. It’s not easy when you feel betrayed. It’s like bits of yourself were left in different parts of your life. It’s time to bring them all back together. Know this: his efforts may make you uneasy, but he has no claim on you. Ground and stay focused. Earth energy is on your side. This power play can end in this life. It is up to you to take your power back through your healing efforts and by staying focused and grounded.

In the next 3 months I feel that you will go through / work through feelings of defeat, like you’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting. Have heart, my dear. Be gentle with yourself. I feel that you will start to begin a new chapter in your life and perhaps for the first time in a long time be ready to attract another partner—one who better suits how you have evolved in this life.

I hope this helps. Love and healing energy to you. Namaste.

In Love,



Rose, My Darling,

I feel as though the past rendered relief and karmic debt paid. Fulfillment of past lives. Though the present seems to bring confusion and feelings of unworthiness and mistrust,  the next three months have you coming to terms with a past life and you feeling at ease.  This sidewalk that you go down you know well and seems  to be a place of familiarity and non-health at the same time. You let it go and you feel it—if you know what I mean. It’s not easy and you take it like you know it’s there for you to take. You’re strong and ready for it, like you know it’s coming. A giant stone to your stomach. And strangely enough, you know it’s right, too. Perhaps your Karma that you’ve accepted.

The best advice I can give you right now is to trust your gut (I heard that. Not pun intended… baby?) in that last conversation. Don’t let his words keep you in a place of guilt. It’s his last attempt to make you stay. (If you do not want a baby now, be very careful.) Pairing up is a human need—but ultimately you will both flower spiritually if you fly.

One Love Padmes

Thank You for Your Reiki Requests—An Amazing and Healing Start to the New Year

Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for all of your Reiki Requests! Starting January 1st, 2011, the requests started coming in. I was called to do free Reiki Requests (like prayer requests, but with Reiki) this New Year for those who suffer with illness, loss, or depression. I am honored to fill those requests.

I feel so much love and gratitude for those who have reached out for Reiki Universal Life Force healing and have requested healing for others they know as well.

Please feel free to leave reviews and comments about your experiences. Also feel free to let others know about Reiki Requests. Every day I look forward to distance Reiki for those who have contacted me.

Wishing you great healing,

One Love Padmes