Day of the Dead—Bella Frida

Day of the Dead Face PaintingI am blessed to be part of Bella Frida’s festivities this Friday, October 5th from 6-9 in Louisville for the First Friday Art Walk.

Flamenco guitar by James Garcia
Day of the Dead face painting by Susan Meylor of Sparkles Face Painting
Tarot card readings by Meggin O’Morrow (That’s me!)

3 Margaritas restaurant has donated food for the event and Le Bakery Sensual discounted a fabulous Day of the Dead cake!

My Grandfather was born on All Saints Day. Far from being a saint, from what I understand he got quite a kick out of that.

Day of the Dead celebrations are all about honoring those who have passed. Children are honored on the 1st of November, All Saints Day, and then adults on November 2nd, All Souls Day.

Day of the Dead CakeThese two days are very special in Mexico. They believe that their family returns for those two days. This is definitely reason for celebration!

Altars are created for loved ones with painted skulls, candy skulls, and skull beads that are used to symbolize birth and death. Elaborate cakes are made and some families visit the cemetery where their loved ones are buried. They decorate their grave sites with flowers and candles bringing toys for children who have passed and tequila and margaritas for adults. They picnic on blankets next to their relatives.Day of the Dead

This tradition is amazing to me. I love the acknowledgement of the duality that we are and honoring our special family that are on the other side.

I’m excited for Bella Frida’s event on Thursday the 11th 7-9pm creating cigar box altars. I’ll be there creating one for my mom who passed two years ago. I can’t be at her grave site, but I’m sure she’ll be celebrating with me :) I’ll be ready with an ofrenda for her November 2nd this year.dia de los muertos ofrendas

I’ll be doing readings on Friday. Please join me and everyone for the festivities, fun, celebration, and bring your family… Those you can see, and those you can’t! There’s a piece of cake waiting!

In Love,


Other Day of the Dead Events in Louisville:

Bella Frida Presents the Dia de los Muertos Show
by Louisville Middle School Art Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades

Artwork displayed ithrough October 2012 at:

Bittersweet Cafe & Confections 820 Main Street
The LoCo Yo 917 Front Street
Bella Frida 901 Main Street, Suite 101

Create a cigar box Ofrenda (altar)
Hosted by Laura (owner of Bella Frida)
Thursday, October 11 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
at Bella Frida 901 Main Street, Suite 101
Ofrendas are an essential part of the Day of the Dead celebration and are created to remember and honor loved ones who have passed.
$12 supply fee. Bring a 4 x 6 photograph of the person you are honoring. Email [email protected] to register.

Day of the Dead Stories & Crafts for Kids ages 6 to 12 – FREE!
Presented by Louisville Public Library Children’s Librarian Adrienne Gass
Saturday, October 13th, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
at Bella Frida 901 Main Street, Suite 101

Day of the Dead painting, scratch art and mask making
Hosted by Doodlebugs Art Studio
Saturday, October 20 drop-in 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
at Bella Frida 901 Main Street, Suite 101
$3 supply fee per family * all ages welcome


September’s Reiki Share was Lovely!

“OOh La La” and Tasers…

Goddess Reiki SharesThe full moon was amazing and, as always, the group is wonderful. We touched on a topic that is not often talked about in the share because everyone comes with the greatest of healing intentions—But what if you experience, as a practitioner or as a receiver of a Reiki treatment, something inappropriate, be it a comment, a look, or other. How do we react to these types of behaviors as Lightworkers?

The group had a lot to say. I was grateful that we could talk about this, even though it wasn’t so “Love & Light” of a topic. The consensus revolved around good boundaries, working in a place where you feel safe, and ending a session as soon as you feel uncomfortable. There was also mention of really looking at what is making you uncomfortable. Is it your sensitivity? Or have boundaries really been crossed?

Bottom line: It’s up to you to make sure you’re safe ! So whatever is going on, know that you are supported in this circle if you ever need to talk about an experience or ask a question that’s causing some inner conflict!

For the most part, though, everyone has lovely experiences and amazing clients. Reiki truly is a lifestyle. When you live Reiki you live with compassion, safe boundaries, and love.

Thank you all for a lovely evening! And I hope to see everyone who couldn’t make it next time!
In Love,

Goddess Reiki Share! September 29th, 2012

Goddess Reiki ShareI’m really looking forward to the Goddess Reiki Share this month! It seems like it’s been a long time since our last one—and that blue moon really stirred some things up!

This last Saturday of this month will be the night: 6-9 at CHHC in Lafayette. So come as you are! Bring your crystals, anything you would like to add to the Reiki crystal grid for clearing and charging, and of course, as always, bring your distance Reiki list for those you would like to heal with the amplified energy of the circle—or add to the group list when you get here.

I’m excited to see you ! New lightworkers feel free to come too! This event is for Goddesses (all ladies this time). Check out the Reiki Circle page for more information!

In Love,


As the Indigo Travels Through Life—6 Things I Wish I Had Known

What I Wish I Knew Then—Advice for the Traveling Indigo

1. Find peace in the storm through purpose.

You have a place in the Universe and being here is no accident. Be reassured that you are here for a reason. You are living, evolving and experiencing because that is the nature of who you are. This is your purpose. Finding this peace and recognizing that you are the only one who creates your limitations, means understanding that you are divine and worthy of your dreams and goals.Indigo Child - Things I wish I knew

2. Understand how you are connected and living in One reality.

When you can see how you’re truly connected to everything, you can understand that you are never alone. So many times on my journey, I felt lonely and afraid. Had I only known how wrong I was, and how much love surrounds us.

3. Know that decisions you make are revisable.

Nothing is set in stone. You are constantly evolving and the decisions you make now may suit your purpose for the moment. When that decision no longer suits your purpose, you are empowered to make revisions. Evolving is part of your purpose.

4. Speaking your truth is your freedom and unique contribution.

Following your intuition by listening to what your body tells you is what makes you unique in this world. It’s how you infuse your energy into this experience. When you deny your truth, you are continuing to live with limits and fear, going against your very nature. The Indigo’s path is clear. Shattering fear and walking through new doors of opportunity brings us true and soulful freedom.

5. Investigate what brings you joy.

Sometimes what we loved when we were young changes or grows into something new. Be open to this. Frequently try new things. Find what inspires you and fills you with excitement. The more you experience, the more potential for joy you have.

6. This is as real as it gets!

You are free to make up your own rules! There is no “right” way to live this life or walk your path, and there is no need to feel that you have to imitate someone else’s successes or struggles. Base your choices on your own needs and desires in order to fulfill your wildest dreams.

Breaking the illusion of fear and limitations helps eliminate unnecessary setbacks and procrastination on the path to a successful Indigo journey. When Indigos choose to fight through their fears, they bring clarity and love to a divine presence. Whether conscious of this subtle knowing or not, Indigos affect the planet and the energy that creates Universal Oneness.

How far I’ve come and how far I have yet to go; what I’ve learned from family and friends, inspiring and challenging alike; what I take with me from each experience as I move through life; I see my goals and dreams through starry eyes. I know my true purpose and the adventure begins again each day.

Love & Truth,


You can see all the Indigo Children articles here.

It’s My Birthday Month—and We’re Halfway through 2012…

I’m so excited to be getting this site back together and to pursue my passions as a Reiki Healer and Intuitive Reader. I’m looking forward to meeting more of you and working with you.

As some of you may know, I am working at the Community Holistic Health Center doing table Reiki as well as Intuitive Spiritual Readings with Reiki crystals. I’m also teaching Living Reiki Classes once a month for a 4-part series and hosting a Goddess Reiki Share Reiki Circle once a month. I’m telling you, this is my dream! I am living my dream. And I’m hoping to help others live their dreams whatever they may be by clearing blocked energy and looking into your patterns that lead you to your greatest good.

live your dreamsPlease feel free to stop by the center and check it out. It’s full of healers who do body work: massage, acupuncture, reflexology, Reiki, yoga, aroma therapy—oh my, all sorts of things! We have a lot of fun, too, during Art Nights Out in Lafayette, the quarterly Health Fairs, and during all the festivals in the summer too (Like Lafayette’s Peach Festival!!)

As it is my birthday month, I wanted to mention that everyone’s birthday seems to lead to giant changes or full-circles in their lives. Mine has arrived, that’s for sure! I have made some changes in my own life so that I can live my dreams! My friends have been telling me this for a long time, but I wasn’t ready to take off my marketing hat just yet.

Then this year, it kind of hit me over the head! It was time! I was coming into all sorts of “swimming in Jell-O” or how you feel when you’re running in a dream and you can only go as fast as your body would run if it were asleep… And with the help of some special people, I figured out that I was not living my own dreams when I was marketing for others. I was living others’ dreams.

Though I didn’t feel like that always, I feel like marketing for others was my dream for a while! It just isn’t now. That’s 2012 for you. And as always, if you don’t make moves when the Universe is calling, it will help make the moves for you…

What is your dream that you haven’t quite gotten to yet? The one that you keep thinking about, but haven’t jumped on yet?

In Love,