The High Priestess reversed—Not fully standing in your power—AriesTarotscope November 2014
Following the rules or belief systems that were always in place and exerting your intentions on others to maintain these established conditions could be keeping you from taking an inner look at what is really going on with you this month. These old ways of doing things could be holding you back as much as they are imposing on those around you. Who originated those rules anyway? Time to take a look under the hood and move the cats out.
We can’t truly stand in our own power when there are others in there telling us what is right and wrong. It’s time to look at your own convictions and decide what is truly resonating with you and what is not. Forging ahead without a little recon won’t get you further along in your endeavors. In fact, it will help you to stay in resistance and keep you circling the tarmac.

Discretion and tact is important this month in matters that are infiltrated through gossip. Be willing to stand up for someone or defend the position that you genuinely feel instead of ripening the mill. This act of kindness, whet
her known by the victim or not, will shift your energy positively. Coming into your own Truth Self and not settling for past views can move you into a completely different direction. You’re turning a corner of
soul growth that you’ll be happy to zoom into.
Spiritual Contemplation for Aries Tarotscope November 2014; Journal it:
Where am I stuck in someone else’s ways of life that don’t serve me or keep me safe? How in my life to I allow fear to dominate my decisions? If I could be courageous and not follow these old belief patterns, how would it change my day-to-day living?
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