Mercury Retrograde started this month on the 6th.
I always begin to hear stories of the past somehow catching up, someone’s computer going crazy, car troubles, and arguments just a few days before the actual event. 
Mercury Retrograde happens about four times a year. During Mercury’s retrograde phase you can look through a telescope and see Mercury moving backwards… It’s an optical illusion, but none-the-less, these times affect all of us on Earth… Some more than others.
As the Communication planet, Mercury asks us to take another look at things lost, things given up, things let go, things that we tried to block! Old lessons that we thought we’d learned, pop back up for review.
This may seem daunting, but there are gifts that can come from this madness. Of course slowing down is one of the messages… It does seem to me that the Universe uses these times as a get-out-of-jail free card… Strings attached.
When the tower card enters the room, everyone gets still and holds their breath. But ultimately, it’s the Universe saying, “Hey! You haven’t left this situation yet and it looks like you never will, so I’m going to help you out! You’re Welcome!”
Sometimes what seem to be upsetting changes end up being the best thing you could have ever had happen.
Even if sadness, betrayal, and bewilderment are the first things that come up… The Universe may have something else in mind for you. Your foundation being rocked ultimately can pull the best out of you that would have never had the chance to make an appearance. You start something over or let it go to move on to the next thing—all along the way creating a more complete you.
Not all Mercury Retrogrades, however, are devastating by any means.
These periods in time are really perfect for brainstorming, planning, resolving, and meditating—getting in touch with those parts of your mind and energy that you’ve pushed to the back a bit. Dreams are significant, Readings are powerful, releasing blocked, stuck, and old emotional energy with Reiki is extremely effective during this time, and writing down your thoughts and feelings will bring positive changes when you look back at them.
Planning is a good idea during Mercury’s illusion, but signing contracts, having dental work or surgeries, setting things in stone… Those are exactly the kind of things that will come back to haunt you next time around.
Mercury goes direct November 26th. The “Shadow” is supposed to last for another week. I usually feel that once Direct, it’s Direct, but it does affect some people, so to be safe, stay on the planning and brainstorming side of things until December.
If you have stories or experiences during Mercury’s “backin-it-up” phase I’d love to hear about them! Especially since so many of us will be spending Turkey Day with Family!
Comment away :)
In Love,