Your Soul’s Gift: Chapter 5 Pet’s and Their Healing Power

As I’m reading this now, it occurs to me that when our beloved Casey, a Shepard mix that we brought home from the Humane Society in AZ, passed away, I told my mom that she just had to ask Casey to come back to her. She would come back as another dog or pet.

My mom wasn’t sure about this. She was, after some time, thinking of getting another dog friend for her Betty who was grieving Casey and was showing that she was quite lonely without her. She made several trips to the same Humane Society to see if she “felt” Casey there waiting for her in another dog body.

We, together, looked at videos online to see if one of them seemed to click as Casey and would be coming home with her. We even saw a beautiful red mix named Penny. She was almost the one, but when my mom went to the Humane Society that day, she came home with a “Boxer Golden mix.”

Milli Golden CoyoteOne look at this little thing and it was obvious to me there was no boxer present… after she grew for a couple of weeks, it was fairly clear that she was a coyote mix! Same color as Goldens, but her body type and personality seemed wild-dog-like. This puppy too, did not seem like it embodied Casey. That was okay, but I did wonder why Casey didn’t come back to my mom.

Only a year later my mom passed away. It all makes sense to me now, just reading this chapter, why Casey didn’t come back. She was waiting for my mom to come to her! Milli, the pretty Golden mix is with me and lighting up my life. Ultimately, I guess, she came to be my animal guide.

It’s just now coming into full understanding and I wanted to share. Your Soul’s Gift is such a wonderful explanation of our pre-birth planning. And the Author is offering certain chapters for Free till Tuesday. I just saw this posted on facebook! Here’s the link: Your Soul’s Gift free chapters on Amazon.



Robert Schwartz Interview with

I came across this a few days ago and just can’t get it out of my mind. It’s not really a new subject, but the way Robert Schwartz talks about “Pre-birth Planning”—The planning of our lives with challenges, who we’re going to encounter, etc, for healing and expansion purposes, is explained in such an easy-to-understand manner, that I believe this video is really worth watching!

There is a great example of why we come to learn and expand: A white being in a white room: In order to really know who you are you must experience contrast. And that’s why we’re here experiencing exactly the opposite of what we are in the non-physical form. I thought this was a perfect example and way to explain our purpose.

I haven’t read the book yet, Your Soul’s Plan, but it’s my next book to read for sure. It is easily accessible through and can be acquired one chapter at a time according to the subjects that relate to you. I really love that idea. He has another book along the same lines called Your Soul’s Gift.

Robert Schwartz works with 4 different mediums for himself and documenting others’ experiences with past life regression and pre-birth planning: conversations between the soul coming into their next life and the Spirit Guide helping them plan it. Fascinating stuff! And you really can learn a ton just by watching he interview.

Let me know what you think after watching this interview or tell me about your experience with the idea of pre-birth planning. What are your “Divine Virtues” that you’re here to master this time around?
One Love,

100k words in 100 days!

100k100daysThis January I joined a writing group that is focusing on an early-year goal. We’re each writing 1000 words a day for 100 days! By April, that’s a really great project of 100,000 words to work with, rework, edit, etc. 100,000 more words than I would have had I not been inspired by this group to jump in the pool!

At first it seemed like that would be some crazy goal, but now that I’m 9 days in, I’m realizing how natural it is to write what you’re passionate about or what has been waiting to be written for years! Sometimes it’s even hard to not extend the 1000 words, which, of course, is not a problem. You can work on anything from short stories, essays, blog posts, novellas, to full on novels, biographies, etc. It’s more of a morale group for anyone who has a project to work on that needs some supportive peeps cheering them on.

I’m working on a book. It’s about family dynamics and how to change the energy within yourself that you grew up with that doesn’t support who you truly are as a person. Funny, those dynamics and how they can follow you if you don’t nip them in the bud.

So far I have almost 11,000 words and they are coming from places I had long forgotten. It’s an amazing exercise in itself of release, acknowledgement, and self-forgiveness. It’s also amazing what compassion it brings for others who have a hard time seeing through a fog they may never get through.

Amazing too, when you start to release and cut ties and let tethers go, who pops up. When there’s a rift in the force, it seems that those who are left behind start coming out of the woodwork! It’s all part of the process.

Also, the synchronicities are fascinating. I began my journey writing about family dynamics, and friends are going through the same writing inspirations. Check out this awesome newsletter—all about family patterns, why they form, and how they don’t necessarily reflect what’s really going on.

Don’t feel like you can’t join this writing group, by the way, since it’s already started, or feel that you’re behind. You can start right now and extend your end-date by 9 days or whatever it is when you start. It’s a great way to get all that stuff out that’s just been waiting for that “perfect time…”

One Love,



12/12/12 Lady of Guadalupe Procession with AumRak—Hosted by Bella Frida

What an amazing night. I received Bella Frida’s invitation just as I was wondering what in the world to do on 12.12.12. I knew it had to be something special. And then this: ourladyofguad

AumRak is an international Medicine Woman whose mission is to illuminate and share the wisdom of healing through the Mayan calendar.

Holding ceremonies in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, France, Germany, the US and Canada, AumRak led the procession of Our Lady of Guadalupe on 12.12.12 in Louisville, CO.

The shift of consciousness on this special date was powerful. It was in fact amazing to be part of this group.

We met at Bella Frida on Main St. in Louisville with our candles in hand. After AumRak welcomed us, we silently walked in honor of Our Revered Mother—Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, Empress of Latin America, Protector of unborn children, and Ancient Aztec Goddess, Tonantzin, also known as Cihuacoatl—Mother Earth.

It was an especially touching and sacred walk for me. Aside from the energy and intent of the evening, having lost my mom to cancer two years ago, I was very touched by her spirit as we walked. The respect and space that was held during the procession, albeit not that far, was powerful and emotional.

Our Lady Of Guadalupe 12-12-12_016


Once we were circled together AumRak told the history and stories of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and the Goddess Tonantzin. We prayed together and made intentions for our Mother Earth in the new energy. It was beautiful and heart-filling.

We then walked to the Altar where we held our lit candles, left flowers, and gave gratitude for the group and all that we had gone through in this journey. The new energy was welcomed and we, as individuals, and as a group, were recharged and ready for a new beautiful step into our futures.

A perfect 12.12.12 releasing of the old and inhaling of the new. May we all be blessed and open to love in the new energy of the times.

Thank you Bella Frida for such a wonderful opportunity and event. We were humbled and honored to share this beautifil time with AumRak.

One Love,




Frenemy Mirror Exercise—Forgiveness, Awareness, and Empowerment

A Lesson in Self Discovery

Today I had quite an amazing epiphany while asking for guidance from Spirit. I was very clearly guided to Look at myself, the good, the gifted, the bad, and the ugly…

First, I was guided to pick someone who had qualities that I admire. Qualities that perhaps I wish I exuded or qualities that I already had, but wished were more fully developed, and record them.

It didn’t take too long to pick someone.

• She’s strong (Physically and Emotionally). • She’s directed and knows what she wants, and engages in plans to make it happen. • She’s beautiful, but more importantly, she really takes care of herself : eating, working out, etc. She’s really polished. •That rolls into having great self respect. She believes in herself. • She’s loyal. • She thinks lightly of herself • She speaks her mind—really speaks her truth.

Second, I was guided to pick someone who affects me negatively. Someone who brings out angry feelings, brings me down, makes me make an unintentional yuck face when I think about them, Someone I feel sorry for, and then record those characteristics.

Christian Pinocchio

That wasn’t difficult either. This person popped into my head immediately. She was extremely disrespectful when my mother passed away and it was very hard to get over many events during that time that were caused by her. My list for this part of the exercise was a lot longer than the first…

• Selfish •Vengeful •Manipulative •Insincere •Righteous •Entitled •Mean •Dishonest •Cruel •Disrespectful •Childish •Passive Aggressive •Disconnected •Deceitful •Doesn’t take care of herself physically •Uncaring •Unforgiving •Unloving •Unappreciative •Judgemental •Degrading •Not in control of herself.

Quite a long list. I went back into meditation and continued the inquiry with my guides.

The Reveal

My guides explained that the first list was about aspects that I love about myself and want to enhance. I see them and admire them in the person I chose because she is a mirror for me. A mirror for me to see things that I have within me already. And my guides stressed that it was important for me to acknowledge this.

To my horror, my guides also revealed that the second list of aspects were mirrored back to me as well. Characteristics that I am ashamed of and want to heal that are also in me. The second person, ultimately, was showing me those aspects within myself, those shadow aspects, that I wanted nothing to do with, I wanted to ignore, and not acknowledge—keep it in oblivion—It’s a lot safer in oblivion when you have to deal with a list like that…

Resolution and Oneness Awareness

The first thing I needed to do was forgive myself. Forgive myself for having all of those characteristics within me that had reared their dragony heads at one time or another; characteristics that I was not proud of, that I didn’t want to admit to myself that I had in me.

Next I needed to forgive myself, accept myself as having a human experience, and love myself. I needed to let go of anger, fear, and shame around this.

After that, it was time to reflect on what Oneness Awareness really is. The mirror we are to each other is a gift and if acknowledged, can be one of the most powerful healing tools we can use to bring us closer to our higher selves and to Spirit.

After reflecting, it was time to integrate the empowerment of that healing and awareness; to accept a new way of seeing the lightness and the shadow sides of myself. These feelings and reactions and processes hold immense purpose in their lessons, however hard they may be.

In the End

This is an exercise of acknowledgement, gratitude, and release. I feel it is definitely one of those “onion” exercises where each time you do it, you’re able to lift a layer and “get lighter.” At each step I was making notes of my feelings and giving myself and my resistance Reiki.

Let me know if you try this exercise on your own and how it went for you! Who do you think of when you think of someone who inspires you to be “Better?” What are they like? Now who makes you want to stick yourself with a fork?

One Love!!!
