Padmes Card of the Month—Ace of Wands Powerfully Creative New Beginnings

Each month I pull a card representing the month ahead—We welcome Spring this month with the perfect New Beginnings card! The Ace of Wands is Padmes Card of the Month!

Padmes Card of the MonthMarch is pure permission to follow the path to what you want. What is your pot of gold? What are you doing each and every day to move closer to it?

Whether you’ve been on a long journey or are just wrapping one up (or if it just feels that way, thanks Mercury Retrograde, and goodbye!), the Ace of Wands offers new insight, new innovations, and new hope. This card indicates alignment with your true passions and the drive to move forward with them. Fire wants to come through you in a new way. Nothing can stop Spirit expressing through you, but you! Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Truth and direction wield decisions through Divine guidance. Fire energy from the wands is pulled into the physical to inhabit, incubate, and explode creativity into every part of your life… if you let it!

The Ace of Wands energy is true inspiration and full-on Universal support coming from within and reaching outward into the world. If you can think it, you can do it. It’s the perfect time to engage in new activities, workout regimens, and eating habits. It shows the strength of what you are capable of… You can heal yourself with every ounce of your energetic being!

This energy is pure permission to follow your creative thoughts and feelings of intuition. Your desires and thoughts and dreams grow toward you by accomplishing goals and celebrating successes along the way. It is not the time for negativity. Bringing everyone down around you will get you cast out of the faerie circle but quick. It’s also not the time to throw in the towel. No sniveling! Get going!

Career looks ridiculously fruitful if you’re working on your own terms. This can be with a group or for yourself, but the trick here has to do with managing your projects how you want them to be managed. You’re at your best this month when you do things your way!

The intense feelings of starting something new or picking up and continuing a project that you’ve put down are right on. Moving homes, having a baby, starting a new job, renewing a relationship: this card indicates a turning point in your life that is filled with adventure. You must not wait for all this to fall in your lap, however. You need to take action—Leap on the boat! Jump in the pool! Grab on with both hands! Act upon your vision of hope.

March Affirmation: “I am in alignment to and express willingly the creative fire that moves my spirit.”

February 2014 Card of the Month —King of Cups

My Perfect Valentine: King of Cups

Each month I pull a card representing the month ahead—Let the synchronicities begin! Yes, the King of Cups is about as perfect a Valentine as you can get!

This February is about knowing Love as your true nature. Allow forgiveness, connection, and empowerment through self-acceptance. Meet and appreciate others wherever they are in their process.

This Month we find our truth by letting go of old grudges. Those grudges that you put carefully away? It’s time to dig them out, throw them in the river, and watch them float away. You no longer need them to protect your feelings or save face. You can give yourself permission to release the past hurts and forgive the inflicting parties.

The hard sell is not going to make you popular this month and it is not the time to pick fights. It’s also not the time to hang the past over someone’s head. Grudges take up precious space that can be used to launch you forward in your own frequencies, abilities, and endeavors, so it’s time to clean those dusty goblets and get rid of anything taking up that real estate!

Diplomacy is a must this month. When you’re drawing support and you’re gathering resources, you’ll get more bees with honey…It’s time to get deep and express your feelings.

When it comes to crimes of the heart and career, delicate situations call for compassion and control of your emotions! Great trust of your intuition is valuable at this time. Reactionary acting out… not so much. When in a confusing dynamic, be assured that not everyone involved is expressing their true feelings. You may have to ask the hard questions to do any problem solving.

Love relationships this month can reflect a deeper part of love that sometimes gets ignored as a result of life getting in the way. Depths have the capacity of being “seen” this month. Witnessing someone for who they really are and showing appreciation for that tender knowledge can catapult a relationship forward into a fulfilling future!

When it comes to self-investigation, the energy of the King of Cups is very grounded in who he truly is. He can have the confidence to try new things and see opportunities with an open mind because he knows his truest life force is love. Let quiet power, dignity, and wisdom wash through you in February when you’re looking for peace.

The King of Cups draws us into our Love consciousness. Removing armor and dropping walls allows vulnerability and connection to the power of love in consciousness, connecting to our true nature. This card represents standing in your Universal flow. If you’ve been feeling like you’re missing something, or that you’ve missed the boat, now is the time to call on King of Cups energy!

February Affirmation: “I now align to the Universal flow of love and allow my heart center to open and share this light.”

The Fitting Card of the Month: 7 of Wands —Take Action to Honor Your Worth!

Padmes January Card of the MonthHappy New Year! Yes, the 7 of Wands is about making resolutions and sticking to them!

It’s time to make life changes and decisions that are long-lasting and truly beneficial for your quality of life. SELF CARE is the main idea here: the importance of knowing your worth and taking care because you hold the spark within you that is Divine. When this card is drawn there is a need for working toward better things for yourself and the betterment of situations by taking action-steps to honor your worth.

When life, situations, or your environment get rocky, the 7 of wands tells you not to back down. When you don’t feel like tuning in, do it anyway. This month is not about giving your power away. On the contrary, this month is about easily aligning with your power by deep grounding in self-acceptance. I AM That I AM, Word I AM Word. You are here for a purpose, now flow into it.

Standing up for yourself and your opinions is a must in January. “My way or the Highway” is this month’s motto. Standing your ground and leaning into your truth when it comes to career and finances will bode well for you this month.

Healthwise, you are the ultimate decider. You know what your body needs. Your friend benefits from running, but your body may be better off doing Barre class. You know which is best for you, and you don’t have to sway or be talked into anything. Do what you know is best for your body. Same goes for your diet. Your friend is vegan, and your body craves meat for its protein. Bless it and eat it. This is your intuition that tells you what is best for you.

When it comes to conflict this month, it’s imperative to hold strong on what is important to you. In the long run, your comfort with this issue(s) will make a difference in a part of your life that you don’t want to compromise on for future progression.

January is about really listening to yourself, your body and your heart. Honor your own opinion and trust your feelings in order to move forward in your flow.
Padmes Reiki Readings & Soul Path Healing

Card of the Week—6 of Wands—Victory Card! (And The Moon)

Victory card!The final card of the week, the Victory card, and The Moon (Card of the Month)

That emotional and subcutaneous consciousness that, in the end, has worked in favor of all of our hopes and plans! The Six of Wands is the Victory card and with it comes the energy of support and acknowledgement.

Getting through some tough issues deserves cake.

If your projects are heart-felt and have to do with personal evolution, processing, forgiving, and letting go of some ancient history-type scenarios, you are winning. Victory is yours and you get a big gold star!

This is also a time to be supportive of others who have been focusing on forgiveness or having a good time with releasing some old, worn out thought patterns. Giving others the space to be in process is a gift not just for them, but for you.

In relationship, the six of wands signifies that partners are aware of your values, issues, and concerns and are in a place to be responsive and receptive to your needs. With The Moon at its side, this could be a long time coming… and that time is finally here. Whew. You are appreciated.

This card combo is also about healing others because you have healed yourself. Whether you have forgiven someone on your own, or both parties were able to come together and hug it out, healing that has occurred affects the energy of those around you and they will match you more so than not. Well done.

Celebrating with others can help reestablish relationships that were estranged or somehow fell off the mark for a while. You can feel good about being a supportive friend and having that reciprocated. Keep your intentions high and frequencies higher to maintain this good conclusion. A very solid way to move forward and ahead during the holidays.





Card of the Week—King of Cups Reversed + The Moon = More Drama!

Reversed King of Cups and The MoonGet ready for some unexpected events to occur that may knock you around a bit emotionally, in an irritated fashion…

King of Cups Reversed and The Moon

If you can take a step back out of that physical layer of awareness, take a deep breath, and notice how the Universe is responding to you, instead of you responding to the Universe… You will get out of this without too many scratches!

When things don’t go your way or not as expected, it’s time to go with the flow and see how creative you can be to come up with a Plan B. In the long run, Plan B may be the best plan, it’s just irksome to get that message by having to come up with it when you think you already have everything under control. Oh, HA! Jokes on you! Tell the Universe you have a plan, right? And She laughs at you :)

It’s always good to have the plan. It’s wise, though, to trust the Universe—and when things get crazy, know there’s a better game plan, even if you don’t see it yet.

This is also a time where forgiving may be necessary even if you aren’t the one being forgiven. A seeing the bigger picture on your part, the expansion of your own rhythms, can relieve you from drama taken to an obscene level with no chance of resolution anyway… Understanding of your Family of Friends, Family of Origin, and the patterns in your personal lineage can be quite an epiphany for you at this time.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean what happened was right or just. It means that you’ve had enough and you’re ready to move on. Ready to let it go so that it doesn’t weigh you and your personal healing down any longer. The more you know about your patterns and why you react to what it is that drives you to the end of the pier, the more you can let it go.

It’s when we aren’t aware that issues fester and fight to come to the surface. “Let me out!!!!” The relief of this doesn’t have to be so loud. It can be a silent exhale.