Card of the Week—2 of Cups—Come Together

2 of cupsThe Kindred Spirits are voicing their presence at this time. Conflicts take a back seat or even dissolve and forgiveness steps forward. Friends and lovers will influence your decisions this week, and it is a blessing as you can trust their offerings.

If you were considering the end of a relationship, friend or beloved, now isn’t the time to cut that cord. Positive resolution is in the ethers. You can call upon this knowledge and regain faith in this union. It is very possible to come together in values and commonality this week!

Spending time with friends this week will balance any overly hermit energy you’ve been experiencing and leads to some eventful brain storming! Remember, like attracts like. Manifesting your Soul’s desire and speaking your truth to a trusted friend can move this energy forward.

Note: Now is a time to be gentle with yourself. Healing comes through letting go of judgement at this time.

SP: Now is a perfect time to practice reflective listening and let down your guard. Letting your partner know what you need and letting your partner express their needs can happen more easily than usual this week. You can both hear each other.



7 of Swords

Something sneaky is going on. This card indicates that tricks are at play. Someone is trying to deceive the seeker in some way. If all of the surrounding cards are positive, it can mean that the seeker is being paranoid and is dealing with personal trust issues. This may come in as a feeling that the seeker is always having to look over their shoulder—Otherwise, he’s right. Someone is taking advantage and possibly physically stealing from the seeker. Paired with the 5 of Swords, it isn’t pretty. It can indicate theft or infidelity. With the Lovers reversed, sexual abuse.

A triumph over infidelity, theft, or deception. Amends are attempted and it’s up to the seeker to accept and forgive if he is ready.

More on the 4 of Cups

So many decisions, so little time…. Actually this card gives the impression that there is time to waste, but there’s not! When this card appears in a spread, the seeker is being given an opportunity that she may not recognize as opportunity. This is a bummer, because the longer she holds off, the less available it is to her.

When this card presents itself I feel a fog in the seeker’s dynamics. The seeker is involved so deeply in a certain way of living that it’s almost impossible for them to see what’s past the fog. It is possible, but they need something to jar them out of the forest. Something that snaps them out of their fog. It is also a card of not understanding what is important about their life and not feeling inspired. There is a need for a true sense of Spirit here and finding that is imperative.

The seeker has found her way through the fog and is ready to jump in the pool, so to speak! She takes the opportunity by storm and accepts new relationships and engagements. What once did not seem important, now shows itself as valuable to the seeker. Reversed, the seeker very well may have found a muse or what inspires her, and the fog clears.

9 of Swords

When I see this card in a spread, I know something has happened to cause the seeker worry to the point of despair. Classically, this card represents pressing angst that keeps you up at night. It can indicate dreams caused by stress.

Swords are all about thinking, pondering, and analyzing. This card can indicate an immense amount of time being taken analyzing problems and worrying about impending doom bringing the seeker to a very depressed state. It is also likely that these problems and worry about them has been going on for a good amount of time. The seeker may feel powerless to improve this situation.

The surrounding cards always tell the story. When the seeker is surrounded by Cups, this card indicates worry over love, relationships, and emotional ties—Wands can indicate problems at work or creative block, and Pentacles, money. Paired with a reversed Star card, this could be serious long-lasting depression that requires the help of a professional.

Always a relief, the 9 of Swords reversed means that troubled waters have passed. There has been a recovery and the seeker can move forward confidently. It’s a sigh of relief a long time coming.

7 of Cups

The Seven of cups represents acquiring what you need, but not necessarily what you wish for. It can be wishful thinking without means/oomph to manifest goals.

Being pulled in many different directions/being all over the place emotionally attached to so many things that it’s hard to stick with one solid goal at a time. When the spread is about love, this card can represent overlooking reality—building up a relationship as you want to see it, not how it really is. If you have the Knight of Cups paired with the 7 of cups, watch out for a suitor who loves the ladies and is not ready to commit!

If the spread indicates work related issues, this card shows that there is a tendency to have too many chiefs working on one project or that there are too many projects going on for one person to handle.

This card can indicate “too much” of a “good” thing. That good thing might be swell in moderation, but if overindulged, could bring a mountain of havoc. When the Moon card appears with the seven of cups, look for this.

the 7 of Cups can also show that many different relationships are at play in a situation involving the seeker.

Paired with the 7 of Swords, it can mean lies around the seeker.

Honing skills for visualization when this card appears can bring the seeker to set realistic goals instead of maintaining the feeling of running aimlessly on the wheel.

Seven of Cups reversed is all about focus. Goals are available for success because the seeker has overcome issues revolving around non-commitment. She is able to achieve success by means of manifesting, working in a focused manner, and seeing the situation for what it is. This will help her attract what she needs and plan for what it takes to achieve her goal.