The Fool’s Journey

The Fools Journey Padmes Reiki ReadingsThe Fool’s Journey through the Major Arcana from 0-21


The Fool (0) is one with all. The more The Fool follows his heart, the more the Universe provides his heart’s desire. He collects and recognizes resources available to everyone.  While learning about these resources, he becomes The Magician (I) and sees there is more depth than just what’s on the outer layers of what he can embody. Pulling from earth energy, he opens his heart chakra, sets it to receiving, and begins to use these resources, thus starts his journey into intuition integrating into the High Priestess (II).

The High Priestess pulls from self-truth energy and goddess energy healing as she is acknowledged and becomes the healing Empress (III). This Empress heals others by giving them permission to heal themselves. She is part of the Major Arcana couple and thus grounds with the Emperor (IV). His knowingness stems from man’s perfectionism obsession and he brings order by use of rules and regulations. When he realizes that man alone cannot rule, he evolves into The Hierophant (V) merging with Spirit/Higher power.

The Hierophant, knowing Spirit, marries harmony, peace and love: the Lovers (VI) who balance masculine and feminine. The Lovers are more successful when they connect to the power of the Universe and the momentum of The Chariot (VII), where desire and Spirit connect, fully embodying neutrality. The Chariot encounters no obstacles and knows he is most effective when he uses Strength (VIII), the embodiment of evolution and having the knowingness to claim his own energetic space, rather than use force. To fully embody neutrality,  he must go back into the womb of self to self-reflect and find his own path, The Hermit (IX).

The Hermit wins the jack pot by incubating in his truth—finding gratitude and alignment—Wheel of Fortune (X). Here Karma comes into play bringing him to Justice (XI). What you do to self, you do to others. What you do to others, you do to self. With Justice comes his time to reconcile as the surrenderer—The Hanged Man (XII).

The Hanged man repents for gains and losses which leads to total transition. He stays in a holding pattern until he finds his deeper meaning. When integrated, he encounters a rebirth—Death (XIII).

Once without a body, when the energetic self is understood, ultimate forgiveness and understanding of balance can occur, Temperance (XIV). During the process of releasing shadow to achieve balance surfaces energy that is no longer in affinity with The Fool as well as patterns that no longer serve him: the need to judge and to blame—The Devil (XV).

The Devil leads to destroying old foundations created by illusions, The Tower (XVI). Once this false security is gone, the chrysalis cracks open and frees The Fool’s perfect potential, The Star (XVII). When this Truth Self potential is revealed, pathways for the subconscious and past lives, The Moon (XVIII), and the conscious, source womb, purity of heart, The Sun (XIX) emerge, bringing the hero into full embodiment of Judgement (XX)—understanding that he alone is his own Judge. When he releases others’ judgements of himself and this radical self knowingness is acknowledged, The World (XXI) is his. True integration with life and Spirit can occur.

Happy Travels!



Card of the Week— The Star Card

the star card padmes card of the weekThe Week of the Star is all about Hope!

This is a definite soul path card. It’s time to acknowledge your true calling and step into your greatness. This week it’s time to shine.

Do things that allow your sacred self to be wined and dined! If that’s reading a book that relates to your passions, going to an event that inspires you, or writing in your dream journal, then move forward with those activities!

The Star Card shows us there is more to come! To realize your outcome you must pave the way! Align with your dreams by moving toward them. You move toward them by surrounding yourself with like energy. That includes people, places, and things. Surround yourself with people who believe in the same goal you have, places that facilitate that intention, and things that remind you or have you doing something related to your intention. This stirs the energy in your favor.

The Star card is positive in relation to health. When we balance our bodies energetically and nutritionally, we align with the Universe. When we’re aligned, we can move forward with our intentions in a clear effective way. The star appears when we are in a place to rejuvenate and be part of the whole as our own contribution.

That said, with the Three of Earth as our card of the month, the Star pulls us into how we can best benefit the team. To be at your best means being balanced—in order to enhance the many, you must take care of the One! — That’s you!

Make sure this is the group for you if you’re dealing in team playing. if it is, without a doubt, do what you can to come in as your most balanced self. Staying loyal to your truest intention when it comes to why you’re in this team or partnership, is what will propel you this week!

Your potential will be fulfilled when you acknowledge your truth.

Do what you do best!

If you would like to clear any energy that may be blocking your soul path or life purpose, call me to schedule a reading or Reiki session.

Often times when we’re feeling blocked or what my grandma used to call, “ooie,” we’re carrying around energy that no longer serves us, or energy that belonging to someone else!

Clear your chakras, balance your energy, and get answers to your questions. Call me at 623.229.9505 and schedule a session!

Mercury Retrograde is the Tower…

Mercury Retrograde started this month on the 6th.

I always begin to hear stories of the past somehow catching up, someone’s computer going crazy, car troubles, and arguments just a few days before the actual event. Tower Card-Magical Forest Tarot

Mercury Retrograde happens about four times a year. During Mercury’s retrograde phase you can look through a telescope and see Mercury moving backwards… It’s an optical illusion, but none-the-less, these times affect all of us on Earth… Some more than others.

As the Communication planet, Mercury asks us to take another look at things lost, things given up, things let go, things that we tried to block! Old lessons that we thought we’d learned, pop back up for review.

This may seem daunting, but there are gifts that can come from this madness. Of course slowing down is one of the messages… It does seem to me that the Universe uses these times as a get-out-of-jail free card… Strings attached.

When the tower card enters the room, everyone gets still and holds their breath. But ultimately, it’s the Universe saying, “Hey! You haven’t left this situation yet and it looks like you never will, so I’m going to help you out! You’re Welcome!”

Sometimes what seem to be upsetting changes end up being the best thing you could have ever had happen.

Even if sadness, betrayal, and bewilderment are the first things that come up… The Universe may have something else in mind for you. Your foundation being rocked ultimately can pull the best out of you that would have never had the chance to make an appearance. You start something over or let it go to move on to the next thing—all along the way creating a more complete you.

Not all Mercury Retrogrades, however, are devastating by any means.

These periods in time are really perfect for brainstorming, planning, resolving, and meditating—getting in touch with those parts of your mind and energy that you’ve pushed to the back a bit. Dreams are significant, Readings are powerful, releasing blocked, stuck, and old emotional energy with Reiki is extremely effective during this time, and writing down your thoughts and feelings will bring positive changes when you look back at them.

Planning is a good idea during Mercury’s illusion, but signing contracts, having dental work or surgeries, setting things in stone… Those are exactly the kind of things that will come back to haunt you next time around.

Mercury goes direct November 26th. The “Shadow” is supposed to last for another week. I usually feel that once Direct, it’s Direct, but it does affect some people, so to be safe, stay on the planning and brainstorming side of things until December.

If you have stories or experiences during Mercury’s “backin-it-up” phase I’d love to hear about them! Especially since so many of us will be spending Turkey Day with Family!

Comment away :)

In Love,


Padmes Reiki Readings

padmesI had the most amazing people come to me for readings today. I was so inspired by my community and humanity. Even though these amazing people had triumphs, suffered from grief and loss, were at odds with spirituality, and were conflicted about moving forward emotionally, all of them were trying to “be better” for loved ones. They were offering and asking for love. I am honored by all who shared with me today.

Thank you Thank you Thank you.


7 of Swords

Something sneaky is going on. This card indicates that tricks are at play. Someone is trying to deceive the seeker in some way. If all of the surrounding cards are positive, it can mean that the seeker is being paranoid and is dealing with personal trust issues. This may come in as a feeling that the seeker is always having to look over their shoulder—Otherwise, he’s right. Someone is taking advantage and possibly physically stealing from the seeker. Paired with the 5 of Swords, it isn’t pretty. It can indicate theft or infidelity. With the Lovers reversed, sexual abuse.

A triumph over infidelity, theft, or deception. Amends are attempted and it’s up to the seeker to accept and forgive if he is ready.