8 of Cups

When I see this card I get the strong sense that a decision to leave a situation has been a long time coming. The seeker has tried to make it work. She’s tried to figure it out, usually working alone to make a relationship or partnership harmonious and productive, but something is just not letting the square peg fit in the circle. It’s sad, but it’s been such a long time coming, that the seeker is ready to move on. No regrets. The seeker knows this hasn’t been working and now wants to and does move on to something that better supports her.

This cards shows that the seeker is taking the emotion out of a situation and is able to see it for what it is. She can ask herself, “Is this for my greatest good?” “Is this situation supporting me?” and be objective in answering those questions. What makes this not an epiphany is that it’s been slowly losing passion for a while. There’s a feeling of loneliness here, but not the kind that is devastating. The kind that just takes over enough to be swayed by another person or project when they cross the path as a catalyst to let this situation go.

Pretty much, this cards means the exact opposite when reversed. Can be someone else in the seeker’s life, but usually the seeker—who is settling. She’s not super happy, but is going through the motions anyway. It’s about being phobic of real intimacy. The seeker is staying in a relationship or partnership that does not require intimacy, which ultimately does not render happiness, because they can’t move past their own feelings of worth.

Sometimes this person will go back on good decisions to leave (when the card was upright) because they can’t seem to move on. If this is paired with the Devil card, it can mean a hard time trying to kick an addictive relationship. Co-dependence: waiting for what the seeker wants the other party to do for them, but the other party just doesn’t play that way. It’s getting the idea that some day things will work out, but that day never comes. The seeker stays and waits anyway thinking there’s hope for the partner to follow through or change, but the partner does not (and possibly, due to dynamics, can’t).

The seeker doesn’t act on what he or she truly wants and may seem fickle. “I want it to be like this today, but not tomorrow.” Mood-based. And really moody! You never know if they’re going to have your back or not.

The Fool

Happy April Fool’s Day!

The Fool Card is always a breath of fresh air. It’s a new way at looking at a situation. It represents letting guards down and trusting. Sometimes naively trusting, but walking into a new world with a feeling of no regrets.

Reversed, this card can resemble a gypsy-type wanderer, as the Fool can be a student of life, not making deep roots or emotional connections. He can represent foolishness and not doing his research before jumping in head first. But right-side-up it always reminds me of Indiana Jones. The very first movie: Raiders of the Lost Ark, when Indiana has to take that step of faith out into what seemed like a step into a never-ending quarry. What he found was that he was safe and supported by a bridge that was almost impossible to see…

Deciphering surrounding cards indicates what the Fool is trying to communicate. The Fool can represent renewed faith in self, an endeavor, life, or utter naivete! It can represent someone who is not committed just yet to anything but themselves.

I was going on Fool card energy when I moved to Colorado from Arizona. I took a chance and risked everything, but trusted that I was moving on to the next phase of my life. It was a new beginning. The Fool card doesn’t promise perfection—it promises that the Universe is supporting you. It can enhance beginners luck, or produce great lessons for the seeker to call upon in their future. Lessons they will never forget. It teaches the seeker to trust themselves. It’s the beginning of their journey.

When this card lands in a spread, it can be the seeker, a person in the seeker’s life, or advice to look at a situation in a new way. It can show a situation that needs a smudging and new fresh energy ushered in. What once worked as energy for the seeker may no longer be what will propel her forward now. It’s time to take a look at what once served a purpose, but no longer has the same effect, and figure out what will work now. This can be an epiphany card that shows the seeker’s new awareness of old and new energy and stepping forward from the past.