Card of the Week—3 of Pentacles Reversed + The Moon = Issues Not Confronted

3 of pentacles ReversedEmotions are bubbling and you need to deal with them before you freak out at work.

Three of Pentacles Reversed and The Moon

When Issues remain underground, functioning successfully is going to have some twigs in the spokes. The 3 of pentacles can bring attention to work or school, which indicates that these issues that you’re keeping under wraps are affecting your workplace, studyplace, or volunteerplace.

Sometimes it’s hard to focus on your emotional needs, or needs at all for that matter, when you’re in a place where expectations are somewhat formatted. But it’s time to honor yourself and your feelings and figure out what you need to be performing at your full potential in whatever space you’re in.

Eat when you need to, have things around you that inspire you when you see them, take a break when you’re feeling anxious or spent.

Grounding out energy in the workplace and really filling your own space with your own energy can help dilute frustration. It can also clear out any doubts in yourself and your dreams or plans for your future in regards to purpose and life’s work. This is a time when dealing with situations head-on is important.

Passive Aggressive reactions are really not going to help you right now. You’ve got to be proactive and honest. Continuing to let an undercurrent of yuck flow, or trying to ignore or compartmentalize what’s going on is going to blow up in your face.

So put some boots on and get ready to get in the mud. (You know that lotuses come from the mud, right?)

Dealing with situations that aren’t easy is part of your commitment to your projects and plans. If it’s not that important, questioning your choices is a way to get to the bottom of what you really want. On the other hand, if this is what you really want and you’re still holding back from dealing with people/situations/setbacks, why are you self-sabotaging?

Card of the Week—Knight of Cups + The Moon = Drama

knight of cupsThis Knight could carry you away, sweep you off your feet, and get you pregnant in 5 seconds.

Since we’re working with The Moon energy this month, it’s a good bet to keep your wits about you and take it s l o w. This could also be a charmer that is a shoulder to cry on after some intense family interactions. This could be someone you knew from the past that you will be in touch with for the holidays.

Normally this card would indicate some fantastic connections, heartfelt hugs, and romantic rendezvous, but with the moon in our midst, it’s important to keep it cool, Honeybunny. Though he’s quite attentive right now, and reminds you of Robin Hood (in the good way), this person could be a bit flakey in the long run, or this could signify some bittersweet codependency.

This might even be a one-night-stand if you’re not careful—even if it seems really awesome at the time. There are some emotional loose ends that aren’t playing out this week. This could also be a case of projecting the perfect person onto another who looks like they would fit the role you’ve been manifesting.

To make sure this is the real deal, hold your ground and try to stay strong in your senses. Don’t drink a little too much or get caught up in the way things used to be or fall prey to daydreams of your future. Staying present and being an observer is a good way to go right now.

If this is not a person in your life, but a new experience or opportunity, it has some of the same characteristics, so some realism is needed to make any final decisions. Make those decisions with a clear head!

This card also can signify that it’s time to do some self care rather than be there for others so much. Being there for others is not a bad thing—but it may be time to turn that nurturing inward and figure out what’s tripping your emotional buttons right now before you make any long-term commitments.



November Card of the Month—The Moon—Deep Personal Resolution

The MoonHappy Thanksgiving

I find it really interesting that this is the card that popped out of the deck for November! Toward the end of the month, a lot of families and friends will be gathering for Thanksgiving. Let the group dynamics begin! For that very reason, many choose to make this festive time of the year strictly for small groups of compassionate friends— instead of walking right into explosive and high-intensity gatherings.

Stemming from when we were young, we’re set into a specific role in our family by our family: What’s your role? Princess, Whiner, Whistle Blower, Caretaker, Scapegoat, The Smart One, Know-it-all, The one who doesn’t care about anyone but themselves, the one who cares about everyone else and never themselves?

Commonly, we subconsciously bring that role with us into all avenues of our lives. We can see the patterns of our role when we interact at work, or with a group of friends, at school, on teams—really anywhere we must interact in a group situation for an extended period of time.

Some of us are fine with our role. Some of us, not so much.

Those who don’t want to commit to their childhood role can spend a good portion of their lives healing from the labels given to them once they realize that the role never really suited them. The Moon card can bring out this role that was never you. It may even take pride in it. The lessons of The Moon card show us the contrasts that we came here as souls to learn about. (Thank you, higher self/pre-birth planning soul…)

Once you connect with this healing and start that healing journey around your label, the next step usually touches on a need for others in this dynamic to understand and accept your new role as the Real You.

Not so fast, trucker.

The emotional healing process is a personal one. It has to do with your time frame, relativity, and personal power. Not everyone is going to be on the same page, wavelength, or freeway. And that brings you to the inner peace that must develop in order to move forward in your emotional healing for yourself, by yourself. When you’re resolving issues at your own speed and very possibly as a one-man-band,  you’ll be ahead and behind others in their process.

This month is about acceptance, sitting with uncertainty, not knowing, or the practice of resolving issues concerning others on an internal basis when you can’t resolve them in relationship. Giving yourself and others the space and the freedom to be in process. That is what the moon encourages us to look at this month. Perfect timing.

Card of the Week—7 of Swords—Don’t Show All Your Cards

7 of SwordsTalk about a Mercury Retrograde card! Even with all these new endeavors going on this month: support from the Universe, letting go, and total trust in yourself and your success, let’s take a look at respect for past lessons. Just because there’s a lot on your side doesn’t mean you can throw what you’ve learned in the world out the window. Be cautions of things in your past that you consider definite lessons or hardships that you’ve learned from.

I’m talking about lessons that make you say, “Woa. I won’t do that again.” Lessons that bring to the light things that you’ll never misplace, misuse, or take for granted again. This card can be about hard lessons in betrayal. Even though experiencing betrayal brings some of the worst feelings, it brings with it a self reflection that gives you the opportunity to truly decide how you respond vs. how you react. It give you the freedom to change your frequency.

You Now Know the Difference Between Trusting and Just Being Naive

Because of the moving forward and positive cards this month, feelings of mistrust or paranoia are opportunities to remember past lessons where we were possibly not as present as we could have been. But now we have new trust for ourselves. Been there, done that, won’t do it again.

No one’s pulling the wool over your eyes, buddy. As a result of these times, we’re ready to easily swim through this current and stand in our own power. We’re able to hold our space even in uneasy waters and not get shaky. Nice work.

This is also a time to count on your higher self—your higher surroundings. Gain strength connecting with the understanding that Spirit is infinite and that the reality of the body is limitation. We’re just playing here. Pulling in some amusement about life and remembering those A-Ha moments can put it all into perspective.


October Goddess Reiki Share—Thank You, Lightworkers

Thank You LightworkersPowerful night of healing, that’s for sure!

Mercury retrograde was there to help out with the intense day of nothing being on schedule and by the time I got there to set up, a woman still facilitating her class and who apparently had a really hard time in the flood, had quite an aggressive meltdown.

She wasn’t in a Reiki space, otherwise we would have asked her to stay. We added her to the Distance Reiki List and sent some good energy and healing to her home and to her, as well as everyone who was in the Boulder flood.

Though we started a bit late, all was well and right on target with our focus:

This month was all about our recent experiences, reactions, and responses. If you’ve reacted more than you’ve responded, what triggers are keeping you from neutrality and standing peacefully in your power? Let’s work on shedding that energy that no longer serves and making space for new light and awareness.

Celebrate releasing any energy that keeps us from our higher sense of peace!

With the flood energy swirling, we shared in the circle, added our crystals to the grid and names to the Reiki distance list, grounded, and got to work. We did a lot of healing on releasing our own blocks, but also energy that we were all picking up from everyone and everything that was going on around us, like fear, grief, and unconscious energy that was keeping some from having to deal with the trauma of the flood and the total devastation in some areas. That was the Shock—When we leave our bodies so that we don’t have to face the pain of it all.

Tonight was a biggie. Thank you to all the Lightworkers who dared to heal tonight and who stepped in to send Reiki to the Boulder flood victims, community, the animals around us, and the land.

This is why they call you Lightworkers.