More on the 4 of Cups

So many decisions, so little time…. Actually this card gives the impression that there is time to waste, but there’s not! When this card appears in a spread, the seeker is being given an opportunity that she may not recognize as opportunity. This is a bummer, because the longer she holds off, the less available it is to her.

When this card presents itself I feel a fog in the seeker’s dynamics. The seeker is involved so deeply in a certain way of living that it’s almost impossible for them to see what’s past the fog. It is possible, but they need something to jar them out of the forest. Something that snaps them out of their fog. It is also a card of not understanding what is important about their life and not feeling inspired. There is a need for a true sense of Spirit here and finding that is imperative.

The seeker has found her way through the fog and is ready to jump in the pool, so to speak! She takes the opportunity by storm and accepts new relationships and engagements. What once did not seem important, now shows itself as valuable to the seeker. Reversed, the seeker very well may have found a muse or what inspires her, and the fog clears.

9 of Swords

When I see this card in a spread, I know something has happened to cause the seeker worry to the point of despair. Classically, this card represents pressing angst that keeps you up at night. It can indicate dreams caused by stress.

Swords are all about thinking, pondering, and analyzing. This card can indicate an immense amount of time being taken analyzing problems and worrying about impending doom bringing the seeker to a very depressed state. It is also likely that these problems and worry about them has been going on for a good amount of time. The seeker may feel powerless to improve this situation.

The surrounding cards always tell the story. When the seeker is surrounded by Cups, this card indicates worry over love, relationships, and emotional ties—Wands can indicate problems at work or creative block, and Pentacles, money. Paired with a reversed Star card, this could be serious long-lasting depression that requires the help of a professional.

Always a relief, the 9 of Swords reversed means that troubled waters have passed. There has been a recovery and the seeker can move forward confidently. It’s a sigh of relief a long time coming.

7 of Cups

The Seven of cups represents acquiring what you need, but not necessarily what you wish for. It can be wishful thinking without means/oomph to manifest goals.

Being pulled in many different directions/being all over the place emotionally attached to so many things that it’s hard to stick with one solid goal at a time. When the spread is about love, this card can represent overlooking reality—building up a relationship as you want to see it, not how it really is. If you have the Knight of Cups paired with the 7 of cups, watch out for a suitor who loves the ladies and is not ready to commit!

If the spread indicates work related issues, this card shows that there is a tendency to have too many chiefs working on one project or that there are too many projects going on for one person to handle.

This card can indicate “too much” of a “good” thing. That good thing might be swell in moderation, but if overindulged, could bring a mountain of havoc. When the Moon card appears with the seven of cups, look for this.

the 7 of Cups can also show that many different relationships are at play in a situation involving the seeker.

Paired with the 7 of Swords, it can mean lies around the seeker.

Honing skills for visualization when this card appears can bring the seeker to set realistic goals instead of maintaining the feeling of running aimlessly on the wheel.

Seven of Cups reversed is all about focus. Goals are available for success because the seeker has overcome issues revolving around non-commitment. She is able to achieve success by means of manifesting, working in a focused manner, and seeing the situation for what it is. This will help her attract what she needs and plan for what it takes to achieve her goal.

8 of Cups

When I see this card I get the strong sense that a decision to leave a situation has been a long time coming. The seeker has tried to make it work. She’s tried to figure it out, usually working alone to make a relationship or partnership harmonious and productive, but something is just not letting the square peg fit in the circle. It’s sad, but it’s been such a long time coming, that the seeker is ready to move on. No regrets. The seeker knows this hasn’t been working and now wants to and does move on to something that better supports her.

This cards shows that the seeker is taking the emotion out of a situation and is able to see it for what it is. She can ask herself, “Is this for my greatest good?” “Is this situation supporting me?” and be objective in answering those questions. What makes this not an epiphany is that it’s been slowly losing passion for a while. There’s a feeling of loneliness here, but not the kind that is devastating. The kind that just takes over enough to be swayed by another person or project when they cross the path as a catalyst to let this situation go.

Pretty much, this cards means the exact opposite when reversed. Can be someone else in the seeker’s life, but usually the seeker—who is settling. She’s not super happy, but is going through the motions anyway. It’s about being phobic of real intimacy. The seeker is staying in a relationship or partnership that does not require intimacy, which ultimately does not render happiness, because they can’t move past their own feelings of worth.

Sometimes this person will go back on good decisions to leave (when the card was upright) because they can’t seem to move on. If this is paired with the Devil card, it can mean a hard time trying to kick an addictive relationship. Co-dependence: waiting for what the seeker wants the other party to do for them, but the other party just doesn’t play that way. It’s getting the idea that some day things will work out, but that day never comes. The seeker stays and waits anyway thinking there’s hope for the partner to follow through or change, but the partner does not (and possibly, due to dynamics, can’t).

The seeker doesn’t act on what he or she truly wants and may seem fickle. “I want it to be like this today, but not tomorrow.” Mood-based. And really moody! You never know if they’re going to have your back or not.

10 of Pentacles

This card reminds me of the family in Brothers and Sisters. Not all the drama, but how they’re a rather large family that doesn’t have money problems and they’re all close. They support each other. If one of the kids of the kids has a thing (school event, science fair, etc.), the whole family shows up with their significant others.

Same for that show Parenthood. It’s all dysfunctional, but not really because they all end up totally supporting one another. I love these types of shows for some reason. It makes me feel like there’s connection in life and family. Those stories have to come from somewhere!

The 10 of Pentacles is about loyalty, security, and support from those who are family (this really could mean real relatives or family of friends), that can go through generations. It represents a sense of being able to let your guard down because people and connections have your back. Gosh darn it, people like you.

It can even indicate that people like you so much, you’re about to receive an inheritance. It could be from investments, family, or the gods. High rolling business deals could be at work here as well as the buying of real estate, commercial or residential. It’s a good time to invest more.

With the 3 of Cups it could indicate a family reunion.


This card is a bummer when it’s reversed. It means there’s a possible/horrible financial loss. It can also have to do with family or close friends losing trust in the seeker. Hard-to-build-back kind of trust. It indicates that real estate may have to go up for sale in order to cover other financial losses. Seeking out a financial adviser and revamping budgets is definitely in order.