Card of the Week—The Fool—The Beauty of Starting Fresh

The FoolThe Card of this week is the Fool. There’s something amazing about this specifically with the Card of the Month being Ace of Fire. You are blasting forward with your new endeavors and the Universe is in full support.

Time to do a check in and become aware of synchronicities around you, your dreams and visions! That’s the higher self talking and your Divine intelligence telling you what’s up. Listen to it!

The Fool is all about leaps of faith! Opportunities that are very well unexpected and amazing. No one can tell you what you love more than you. Do what you love. Go after what you dream about! The daydreams that you get lost in… Do something that correlates with them.

The fool is the part of us that is like a child. No fear and no worry! Not scared to jump in the pool! So the power of fierce fire and no fear is pure energy for manifesting through action!

Have you ever heard that saying “Krunk like no one is watching?” That’s what the Fool is all about. You can plan and do what you need to like you’ve never experienced failure or disappointment. This project or new situation that you’re nurturing is…. wait for it… foolproof. So give give give give it all you got. Give it all you got.

There’s a trust in the Universe that you can channel at this time. The pure spirit of adventure is on your side. Even if your endeavor is something you know a lot about, not “starting new” per se, the Fool is about looking at it with new, exciting, playful energy with no fear or negative self speak to hold you back. You can Trust.



Card of the Week—6 of Cups—Attachment to the Past and Forgiveness

6 of cupsLetting Go of what No Longer Serves Your Greatest Good—Forgiving

Ah, the 6 of cups. Attachment to the past can look like memories, childhood history, karma, past life relationships, or loved ones who have passed. This card signifies a time of self reflection different than the Hermit. This is the time to really look at, feel into emotional blocks from things that have happened in the past and that are keeping you stuck there.

The 6 of cups shows that forgiveness is necessary in order for you to step out of that old bubble and into your new energy. Often this is about forgiving yourself, grieving a loss of any kind be that a person, a friendship, or a time. And then resolve to let go. Forgiveness is a process that so very often goes in layers. But you can’t forgive unless you start the process.

How to Forgive, It’s a Biggie

Forgiveness is the heart work that we do to experience personal freedom. It awakens us to consciousness and propels us to touch on our own Divine Light and Oneness.

10 Steps to Forgiveness

  1. Acknowledge the energy is there. (A crime has occurred)
  2. Remember what put it there. (What was the crime or transgression that initiated your pain, sadness, anger, or fear?)
  3. Witness it.
  4. Sit with it.
  5. Feel it.
  6. Touch on what you’ve learned from this experience. What did Spirit have in mind for this experience for you?
  7. Intend that the past is now behind you.
  8. Watch that past energy flow down your grounding cord into the center of the earth to be transmuted.
  9. Surround yourself with high-frequency light and bask in it!
  10. Repeat as needed. This is a process!

See it, learn from it, get neutral, let go.


October Card of the Month—Ace of Wands

Ace of WandsSometimes you don’t know you’re sitting in the dark until you see the light.—CM

Alignment of Action with Vision
The Ace of Fire is the card of purpose: Move toward your destiny. When you act out your truth, that is when your Divine light works through you.

You’re standing right where you need to be! You’re in the right place at the right time. Success in opportunity is yours! And if you’ve got career on your mind, it’s time to make some decisions and seize the day! A spark in you is ready to become a flame. Expansion in your life is abounding. Creative offers are to be taken at this time. If you’re starting something new, go for it with all you’ve got. NO procrastination, dilly dallying, or time-consuming analysis (the opposite of last month)! Jump in the pool!

Be prepared: you may be “ahead of your time” with this, so you’ll possibly have to wait for othes to catch up—but moving forward is important at this time! So keep it movin’, Boo Boo.

Grounding this energy is what brings projects, ideas, decisions, and opportunities into fruition. The foundation has secured itself, now ACTION is required to bring about the blossoms! If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s time to ground. This creative energy is powerful and can take you for a ride if you lose your steady connection with the earth. Use that grounding cord.

This card’s message tells us to proceed with what truly inspires and creates passion within us. This energy is lasting and helps lead us in the right direction for victory. Doing things your way right now is important. If you’re looking for employment at this time, it is important that you are honest with yourself about the contentment factor regarding all this project or position entails. Settling right now will not work out in the long run.

If you’re working on strengthening your health, losing weight, training for a marathon: this month is the perfect time to recommit to your goals. The Ace of Wands is your personal trainer! It lights up that glow in your heart and magnifies it 100 times!

It’s important to focus on projects, people, places and adventures that are exciting to you right now. Following this feeling creates joy and lasting momentum. This powerful drive can ignite your life into a whole new dynamic. One that will be more appealing than the one you’re about to leave in the dust.

It’s time to get over what holds you back. Step through it and leave it behind you. All things remaining the same in your life right now just will not do.

September Card of the Month—The Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords asks us to value the importance of employing an inquiring mind this month!

Knight of SwordsEven though everything is moving at light speed, take the time to think things through before committing or reacting. Be assertive with your needs and what moves you forward in your own piece of mind. Then take action accordingly. It’s time to walk that talk. Confronting issues and taking the emotion out of situations is imperative this month.

For September: Be ready for unexpected situations at work and in your personal life. Your life can seem turbo charged like you’re in the middle of a vortex… The opposite of being in the eye of the storm!

Confronting situations doesn’t mean being aggressive about them. In fact, it would benefit you to make sure you check your paranoia and inner child at the gate before any heavy communication. Use that good head on your shoulders instead of blowing up before you know what’s up.

It’s also important to note that moving ahead in your success may appear to others as if you’ve left them in the dust. This is their perception. The best thing you can do is continue to focus on what your goal is, and to let go of any negativity from anyone else who would hold you back. You’ve gotta keep it movin. Stopping at this point would backfire.

This knight shows that September is the time to make yourself get off your tush if you haven’t exercised in a while. Looking at exercise and health with the Knight of Swords is all about taking account of what’s going on and making moves to make it better. Be courageous and get with it, whether it’s time to visit the doc or time for a run. You know what you need to do and you have the resources to do it. So do it.

Relationships and communications with lovers can get hot, heated, and/or heavy. Come at these conversations with a cool head this month. Reactions are in the air, so use that knowledge to your benefit. When disagreements arise, look at all the facts before judging or making a decision. Take note of and investigate the essence of the situation. Explore your beliefs and where they came from… Are you viewing the situation with old beliefs, or seeing what is really going on?

If you’ve been waiting for answers or results, this is the month. You’ll get your information and know how to implement your findings. Don’t hesitate to do just that. Move forward with what you know. Not what others deem truth.

Thinking clearly this month is important. The Knight of Swords cuts through fog and sees what’s really there. Always listen to your intuition, but know the facts this month. Get a clear perspective on situations before listening to your heart, then move forward.

Looking at and understanding the complexities of the big picture is key.

Card of the Week—The Magician—Bring the Bliss

The MagicianThis week the Magician tells us to remember what we used to get lost in when we were young. Dance? Novels? Skateboarding? Painting? Bringing back some of those feelings will integrate in what you’re wanting to manifest in present time. Funny how we forget, or simply don’t think of those things the way we used to, but now’s your chance to remember and resurrect.

This week is a time for magic. When you least expect it, resources seemingly fall from the sky into your lap. What you manifest, you get. The Magician is all about the creative Universe at work. With a little focus, your desires and thoughts become tangible right in front of your eyes.

Your intuition can guide you this week as well. Trust it. You are very capable of coming up with solutions that may feel like they just popped in your head… like magic.

You can also gain a lot of insight, knowledge, and inspiration by teaching/showing someone else how to do something you’re good at, or just explaining how you do it—Something clicks and takes you to a new thought process.

This week, after regrouping last week, you really hone the management skills to implement your resources. This way you can make big ideas become realities. This is not a time to rely on others’ skills or know-how alone. Asking for help, yes, managing or directing the process, that’s all you.

Disregarding resources or help at hand is not advised right now. Don’t take these things for granted by placing them on the back burner.

Make use of what’s in front of you! Move forward with confidence. Not hesitating right now.