Card of the Week—3 of Pentacles Reversed + The Moon = Issues Not Confronted

3 of pentacles ReversedEmotions are bubbling and you need to deal with them before you freak out at work.

Three of Pentacles Reversed and The Moon

When Issues remain underground, functioning successfully is going to have some twigs in the spokes. The 3 of pentacles can bring attention to work or school, which indicates that these issues that you’re keeping under wraps are affecting your workplace, studyplace, or volunteerplace.

Sometimes it’s hard to focus on your emotional needs, or needs at all for that matter, when you’re in a place where expectations are somewhat formatted. But it’s time to honor yourself and your feelings and figure out what you need to be performing at your full potential in whatever space you’re in.

Eat when you need to, have things around you that inspire you when you see them, take a break when you’re feeling anxious or spent.

Grounding out energy in the workplace and really filling your own space with your own energy can help dilute frustration. It can also clear out any doubts in yourself and your dreams or plans for your future in regards to purpose and life’s work. This is a time when dealing with situations head-on is important.

Passive Aggressive reactions are really not going to help you right now. You’ve got to be proactive and honest. Continuing to let an undercurrent of yuck flow, or trying to ignore or compartmentalize what’s going on is going to blow up in your face.

So put some boots on and get ready to get in the mud. (You know that lotuses come from the mud, right?)

Dealing with situations that aren’t easy is part of your commitment to your projects and plans. If it’s not that important, questioning your choices is a way to get to the bottom of what you really want. On the other hand, if this is what you really want and you’re still holding back from dealing with people/situations/setbacks, why are you self-sabotaging?

Card of the Week—Knight of Cups + The Moon = Drama

knight of cupsThis Knight could carry you away, sweep you off your feet, and get you pregnant in 5 seconds.

Since we’re working with The Moon energy this month, it’s a good bet to keep your wits about you and take it s l o w. This could also be a charmer that is a shoulder to cry on after some intense family interactions. This could be someone you knew from the past that you will be in touch with for the holidays.

Normally this card would indicate some fantastic connections, heartfelt hugs, and romantic rendezvous, but with the moon in our midst, it’s important to keep it cool, Honeybunny. Though he’s quite attentive right now, and reminds you of Robin Hood (in the good way), this person could be a bit flakey in the long run, or this could signify some bittersweet codependency.

This might even be a one-night-stand if you’re not careful—even if it seems really awesome at the time. There are some emotional loose ends that aren’t playing out this week. This could also be a case of projecting the perfect person onto another who looks like they would fit the role you’ve been manifesting.

To make sure this is the real deal, hold your ground and try to stay strong in your senses. Don’t drink a little too much or get caught up in the way things used to be or fall prey to daydreams of your future. Staying present and being an observer is a good way to go right now.

If this is not a person in your life, but a new experience or opportunity, it has some of the same characteristics, so some realism is needed to make any final decisions. Make those decisions with a clear head!

This card also can signify that it’s time to do some self care rather than be there for others so much. Being there for others is not a bad thing—but it may be time to turn that nurturing inward and figure out what’s tripping your emotional buttons right now before you make any long-term commitments.



Card of the Week—7 of Swords—Don’t Show All Your Cards

7 of SwordsTalk about a Mercury Retrograde card! Even with all these new endeavors going on this month: support from the Universe, letting go, and total trust in yourself and your success, let’s take a look at respect for past lessons. Just because there’s a lot on your side doesn’t mean you can throw what you’ve learned in the world out the window. Be cautions of things in your past that you consider definite lessons or hardships that you’ve learned from.

I’m talking about lessons that make you say, “Woa. I won’t do that again.” Lessons that bring to the light things that you’ll never misplace, misuse, or take for granted again. This card can be about hard lessons in betrayal. Even though experiencing betrayal brings some of the worst feelings, it brings with it a self reflection that gives you the opportunity to truly decide how you respond vs. how you react. It give you the freedom to change your frequency.

You Now Know the Difference Between Trusting and Just Being Naive

Because of the moving forward and positive cards this month, feelings of mistrust or paranoia are opportunities to remember past lessons where we were possibly not as present as we could have been. But now we have new trust for ourselves. Been there, done that, won’t do it again.

No one’s pulling the wool over your eyes, buddy. As a result of these times, we’re ready to easily swim through this current and stand in our own power. We’re able to hold our space even in uneasy waters and not get shaky. Nice work.

This is also a time to count on your higher self—your higher surroundings. Gain strength connecting with the understanding that Spirit is infinite and that the reality of the body is limitation. We’re just playing here. Pulling in some amusement about life and remembering those A-Ha moments can put it all into perspective.


Card of the Week—6 of Cups—Attachment to the Past and Forgiveness

6 of cupsLetting Go of what No Longer Serves Your Greatest Good—Forgiving

Ah, the 6 of cups. Attachment to the past can look like memories, childhood history, karma, past life relationships, or loved ones who have passed. This card signifies a time of self reflection different than the Hermit. This is the time to really look at, feel into emotional blocks from things that have happened in the past and that are keeping you stuck there.

The 6 of cups shows that forgiveness is necessary in order for you to step out of that old bubble and into your new energy. Often this is about forgiving yourself, grieving a loss of any kind be that a person, a friendship, or a time. And then resolve to let go. Forgiveness is a process that so very often goes in layers. But you can’t forgive unless you start the process.

How to Forgive, It’s a Biggie

Forgiveness is the heart work that we do to experience personal freedom. It awakens us to consciousness and propels us to touch on our own Divine Light and Oneness.

10 Steps to Forgiveness

  1. Acknowledge the energy is there. (A crime has occurred)
  2. Remember what put it there. (What was the crime or transgression that initiated your pain, sadness, anger, or fear?)
  3. Witness it.
  4. Sit with it.
  5. Feel it.
  6. Touch on what you’ve learned from this experience. What did Spirit have in mind for this experience for you?
  7. Intend that the past is now behind you.
  8. Watch that past energy flow down your grounding cord into the center of the earth to be transmuted.
  9. Surround yourself with high-frequency light and bask in it!
  10. Repeat as needed. This is a process!

See it, learn from it, get neutral, let go.


October Card of the Month—Ace of Wands

Ace of WandsSometimes you don’t know you’re sitting in the dark until you see the light.—CM

Alignment of Action with Vision
The Ace of Fire is the card of purpose: Move toward your destiny. When you act out your truth, that is when your Divine light works through you.

You’re standing right where you need to be! You’re in the right place at the right time. Success in opportunity is yours! And if you’ve got career on your mind, it’s time to make some decisions and seize the day! A spark in you is ready to become a flame. Expansion in your life is abounding. Creative offers are to be taken at this time. If you’re starting something new, go for it with all you’ve got. NO procrastination, dilly dallying, or time-consuming analysis (the opposite of last month)! Jump in the pool!

Be prepared: you may be “ahead of your time” with this, so you’ll possibly have to wait for othes to catch up—but moving forward is important at this time! So keep it movin’, Boo Boo.

Grounding this energy is what brings projects, ideas, decisions, and opportunities into fruition. The foundation has secured itself, now ACTION is required to bring about the blossoms! If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s time to ground. This creative energy is powerful and can take you for a ride if you lose your steady connection with the earth. Use that grounding cord.

This card’s message tells us to proceed with what truly inspires and creates passion within us. This energy is lasting and helps lead us in the right direction for victory. Doing things your way right now is important. If you’re looking for employment at this time, it is important that you are honest with yourself about the contentment factor regarding all this project or position entails. Settling right now will not work out in the long run.

If you’re working on strengthening your health, losing weight, training for a marathon: this month is the perfect time to recommit to your goals. The Ace of Wands is your personal trainer! It lights up that glow in your heart and magnifies it 100 times!

It’s important to focus on projects, people, places and adventures that are exciting to you right now. Following this feeling creates joy and lasting momentum. This powerful drive can ignite your life into a whole new dynamic. One that will be more appealing than the one you’re about to leave in the dust.

It’s time to get over what holds you back. Step through it and leave it behind you. All things remaining the same in your life right now just will not do.